Twenty Candies in The River

Fitri Ayu Cahyaningrum
4 min readNov 10, 2019

</Sweet, Sweet Craving>

Illustrated by Kerry Hyndman

There was a little girl who wished for a living like a princess in the castle, a prince to marry, and all those fancy things. Yes indeed, Her life was out of glamour. Most people called her Aeoa, She sells candy for her living since her parents passed away. She lived in a poor village in a faraway land. Its land was bare and the air was dry. The villagers couldn’t grow any plants or raise any animals. They were in need of magical candy, legend said it will be granted all wishes even to bringing back wealthy in the village.

A clever girl, Aeoa takes those moments to sell candy. She sells the candy in one bucket. each of them filled with twenty candy. “Go buy and find the magical candy inside them” she was shout out in the middle of the street. Aeoa’s candy sold out in just one hour. But day after day, people called aeoa a big liar, and the next day no one buys her candy.

Aeoa doesn’t have money anymore to living. She lives in the middle of the people's hatred. Someday she decided to walk out of the village and start looking for another village, another friend and people. Aeoa doing it all by herself.

In the middle of the road, right in the forest suddenly she met a good witch who dresses pink. The witch start asking aeoa “Hi good girl why you walk alone in the middle of this forest? What are u looking for?”. Aeoa answered “Actually I start looking for another point of view, another place to live, other people to be a friend. I wanna live in a place which can support me”. “Your journey its not easy my little darling, I'm sure u can living ur dream place someday. But for now, I can tell u a little secret that can perhaps support u.” replied the witch. Aeoa looks very excited “What is that??”. “You must not tell this to everyone promise me. Oke, here we go, if u walk around five hundred meters forward u will find a bridge but don't across from upside. u have to go down, the water is very friendly for those who have a pure heart. U will find twenty candies but remember this, only one that can grant all wish the rest of them was the inverse. again, only the pure heart can look at everything. use it wisely hahaha” the witch suddenly gone.

Aeoa starts looking it just like what a witch tells her and she’s right. The water under the bridge was clear but looks deadly. Aeoa starts asking herself is she the one who has a pure heart? she doesn't think so. So she starts to pray and beg forgiveness for mistakes that she create last day. And suddenly the water isn't brought up the waves anymore it comes more friendly. Aeoa start walk across the shallow river and the witch right! Aeoa finds the candies but her heart not purest she hesitant between two choices of two candy. the rest 18 look grey but these 2 candies are shining brightly. But the witch said it only one which can grant all wish.

Aeoa was very confused, So she decides to bring up that 2 candy on her pocket and save them for later. Aeoa continues her journey to find a good village. There is it she finds it. it looks warm green, and the people look nice. Aeoa starts living in those village but beautiful aeoa start a fire between another girl who in the same age. Aeoa becomes the most beautiful and smartest girl in the village. of course the village chief’s daughter Tya didn't like this. Tya wants Aeoa out of this village. So she starts looking for a plan that makes aeoa uncomfortable. Feeling so unfair aeoa remembers her candies. Briefly, she chooses one candy the one which looks reddish. deeply she said in her heart I wanna live like a princess, beautiful house to living, a family who love me with their heart, a friend who always supporting, and much gold for saving. And in a second her last village became so beautiful right in front of her eyes, the trees and animals are everywhere it seems so peaceful, a family and everything that she wished for, become true. Even tya became her loyal friend. But aeoa must take the risk she has to lose her one foot because of that one candy that she saves before. that one candy should never betake. Aeoa can only bring up one candy, not two. So now she has everything that she wants but not her leg.

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